Exhibition & Film

The touring exhibition and the documentary film tell the story of the driftwood’s journey, offer insights into its Arctic climate records, its key role in Icelandic history and culture and much more. It is available in Icelandic, English and in German and consists of info boards, artistic works and a 45min documentary about our driftwood research. It is variable and can be adapted for different spaces. If you’re interested in hosting the exhibition and/or would like to screen the film, please get in touch with meier@lichtung-berlin.de, we’re delighted to hear from you!

Download ->Exhibition Dossier

Trailer Film “Iceland’s Stranded Forest”

Exhibition Tour & Film Screenings

Permanent Collection

We’re very happy that works from the exhibition have become part of the permanent collection of the wonderful regional museum Byggðasafn Húnvetninga & Strandamanna in Borðeyri, Northwest Iceland. Check it out!

Exhibition Views 

Short Film “Driftwood Sounds”

Driftwood Creations